m.c de Beyssac
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  • EXPO.
  • Ausência, aguda presença-Gloria Ferreira commissaire d'exposition

    Ausencia Aguda Presenca (Absence, Acute Presence) is a collective exhibition that brings together five artists invited by artist Fabia Schnoor, to meet Espaco Sesc’s proposal to participate in its “Photography in Space” program. All the pieces are related to memory, presence and absence, expanding the classical concepts of photography. As stated in the general concept of the exhibition, “although each one of these artists uses different procedures to build his own poetic language, here the confluence and contrast of the pieces render diverse articulations on the construction of the image, of memory, of absence and presence, of what it contains and of what is contained, which comes out of all pieces”. The artists were invited to show their pieces together due to their use of photography as means and their dialogue with issues related to memory, time and space”, remarks Fabia Schnoor. I gladly introduce these artists and the experimental aspects of this encounter: Marie-Cécile Conilh de Beyssac has been living in Brazil for eighteen months. Before that, she lived in Tokyo for seven years. When she arrived here, without knowing anyone, she started signing- on the walls, windows and mirrors of her house in Urca - her two black rectangles, a practice she started in Japan: that of ten-ten, which means image pausing or frozen image. She also started taking pictures of her studio. As the artist says, “my new intimate environment becomes a medium…a direct creative field, not ‘in progress’…but ‘in discovery’!” Rio de Janeiro has been part of her life for a long time, since her grandmother was born here and her parents used to come to Rio whenever they could. Despite all that, she felt empty when she first arrived, without a studio and without her things, which were coming by ship. Cocoons, which she started in her Tokyo studio with the scraps left from sold paintings,was shown in her last exhibit in Japan, after her things had been shipped, and has gained a new version in Rio. It was then that she started the project “expatriates”cocoons, an extension of what she had done in Tokyo and of her interferences in the new house. She invited expatriates to say how the word ‘expatriation’ inspired them. In several exhibits, the artist has shown photos and installations; photos of still unknown everyday situations, composed of deleted parts, blanks and drawings (ten-ten and other obsessive lines) made directly on walls, windows and mirrors.